57/365 – I Hear a Voice.

57/365 – I Hear a Voice.

The voice that’s harder for me to ignore is my own.
I tend to judge, coach, suggest things to myself all the time and that’s probably the voice I need to be careful listening to while creating. It can stop things from getting done or from even becoming and that goes against my main principle: get it done!

So what should I do with this voice?

I’ll keep it, it looks after me after all, it cares about me and what I do. I’ll keep listening without giving too much space to it, and without letting it prevail. It is there and it will never go away so better live with it.

These days it isn’t helping. It’s telling me what I’m doing isn’t worth it and I can’t find a way to shut it up. I guess the best way for me now is to engage with it and welcome suggestions and inputs.



This post has been totally inspired by “Buena” by Morphine.

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