365/365 – Levels Of Things.

What are ideas, after all, if not levels of things? One thing a day, one thought a day, one refl(a)ction every day to keep the energy going and creativity flowing. Ideas are there, we got that, they are available and around…

313/365 – State Of Alert.

                  Creating is about being aware. It is indeed about being able to notice what is around and what needs to emerge. I notice that my own creative process goes through phases…

252/365 – Moving Parts.

A few things are better than laying down and staring at the sky looking the clouds moving: like parts of stories that are trying to tell us important things, or like people from the past coming running away, or like…

243/365 – Going Deeper.

Creativity can show up in different forms and ways. I like to think that the more we try to go deeper, to explore, to open, to seek, to navigate, to share and to understand…the more things come up to the…

217/365 – Where Do They Go?!

I like to think ideas are just like these ants looking for the right direction, inspiration, or knowing exactly where to go and what to do, moving and changing direction, helping each other and knowing exactly what to do individually,…

175/365 – In a Loop.

Sometimes, when you are doing something every day or creating in general, you get a sense of being in a loop. Now, a loop can be viewed as a trap: something you can’t escape from, something you can’t avoid, something similar to…

148/365 – Follow The Path.

Once you start you can’t stop as the path is already there and all you have to do is to follow it. Creating, whether is one thing every day or something in general, is about getting it started and having a…

142/365 – Erase and Restart.

To create, you have to erase. There’s no creation without letting go what has been. There’s no space for the new if we hold to the old and keep it as the reference for what wants to emerge. I used…

100/365 – Pump It Up!

                  And then comes the moment where you celebrate a finish line and although it might well not be the one you were envisioning, you enjoy it. With creativity as well as…

4/365 – Never Explain, Never Apologize.

Sometimes that’s all you have to do, so this is it for today. It took me 369 days to make another video and upload it to YouTube. Take it for what it is and make of it what might mean for…