352/365 – Humility.

352/365 – Humility.

Humility is not about being anything you are not as much as just being everything you are.

And the first rule in creativity is to be able to bring that humility into everything we do. If we do that we are opening our heart, and not only our mind, to all sorts of possibilities and options. We are creating space for something genuine to express itself and come to life, we are generating space for others and others’ contributions. We are making sure there are enough opportunities for everybody and by doing that we are contributing to enrich the planet of new perspectives.

You see, our role as creators is important and very relevant but we need to be careful not to take it too seriously otherwise everything, from the smallest thing to the major ones, will look unsustainable and impossible to achieve. Always remember to show humility, be open, listen, learn…

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