159/365 – About Procrastination.

159/365 – About Procrastination.

Procrastination isn’t itself a bad thing. I often procrastinate with something to give myself the time and the chance to think deeper, to digest an idea or to let it stay with me long enough so that I can get a sense of its intrinsic value.

I would say intentional procrastination is indeed a good thing to practice as it frees you up from the pressure of doing at any cost.

It isn’t a good thing when we just make it happen. If we ever have the feeling we should do or have done something and we didn’t because we let it go, in that case, I believe, we are making a mistake. It is a shame to let something go without having decided it consciously or without even trying to make it. When we see something or feel something is in the right place at the right time, we should never let it go, we should never give up, we should never say “tomorrow’s going to be ok too”: because tomorrow is there for something else unless we planned it differently.

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