150/365 – Be Patient.

150/365 – Be Patient.

Ideas are like lightning strikes: you see them passing by, you admire them, you know they will come back but you can’t always know exactly when.

What enables us to keep an idea and make it tangible transforming it into something concrete is often the patience we have in waiting for it to come back. It takes not only patience though, but a good amount of persistence and belief.
We have to be ready to stay there and wait until it comes back; wait or try something else.
We have to notice the pattern that will actually make it come back to us.
We have to believe it will come back otherwise, we would have given up before trying.

Lightning strikes are potentially dangerous and we don’t often have the chance to see them…with ideas, we don’t have this risks and we do have many chances to see them coming back: just stay there and you will see.

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